
Protect Your Home: The Top 7 Places for CCTV Installation

Do you want to make sure that your property and loved ones are protected from burglars or intruders? If so, installing a CCTV system could be just what you need. But where should you install your cameras for maximum coverage and effectiveness? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the best places for CCTV camera installation in Adelaide in order to help you protect your home and give yourself peace of mind. From front doors to gardens, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started!

7 Ideal Places for CCTV Installation in the Home

Front Door/ Entryway

It’s important to secure all entry points to your home, and the front door is obviously the most important. There are a few different ways to go about this, but we think the best way is to install a CCTV camera above or next to your door. This will allow you to see who is coming and going at all times, and deter any would-be burglars from even attempting to break in.


As the most personal and private space in your home, bedrooms are often where we keep our most valuable belongings. For this reason, many homeowners choose to install CCTV cameras in their bedrooms.


The patio or backyard is a great place to install CCTV cameras. This is because they can be used to monitor activity in and around the home, as well as provide security for the home itself.

Living Room and Hallways

The living room is one of the most important rooms in your home, so it makes sense to install a CCTV camera here. Placing a camera in the hallway can also be beneficial, as it can help you keep an eye on who is coming and going.

Garage and Basement

If you’re looking to install CCTV at your home, the garage and basement are two of the best places to do so. Here’s why:

The garage is typically one of the most vulnerable entry points for criminals. Installing CCTV in your garage can help to deter would-be burglars and catch them in the act if they do break in.

Basements are another common target for criminals. They often contain valuable items such as tools or electrical equipment that can be easily sold on. By installing CCTV in your basement, you can help to protect your belongings and make it more difficult for thieves to operate undetected.


When it comes to protecting your home, one of the most important places to install CCTV is in the kitchen. This is because the kitchen is where many of us store our most valuable possessions, such as our food and cooking appliances. By installing CCTV in the kitchen, you can deter burglars from targeting your home and reduce the chances of a break-in. Additionally, if a break-in does occur, CCTV footage can be used to identify the culprit and bring them to justice.


The driveway is one of the most important places to have CCTV installed. There are many benefits to having a CCTV system in place on your driveway. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it acts as a deterrent to burglars and other criminals. If they know that they are being watched, they are less likely to attempt a break-in or vandalism.

CCTV camera installation in Adelaide is an important step in protecting your home and valuables. The key to success is understanding where the best spots are for optimal coverage of all areas of your property. With this list, you can now identify potential hotspots and ensure that all points of entry have complete surveillance capabilities. By addressing these vulnerable areas with security cameras, you can rest assured knowing that what happens at home stays at home – safe and sound!

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