Common Problems Data Cabling Installation In Adelaide And Solutions


Data cabling is the base of the modern network system that usually carries all the necessary data for the proper execution of your business. Whether it is a small or a big office, you need data cabling installation in Adelaide. If there is an issue with the data cabling installation, it may cause downtime and a decrease in the productivity level, leading to the requirement for costly repair.

Most businesses usually do not give enough importance to the proper installation, maintenance, and upgradation of the data cabling system. Improper installation can lead to various data cabling issues. Common problems related to the data cabling usually include equipment failure and poor network issues. There may be some other issues related to the data cabling.

Let’s look at some of the common issues now.

Inadequate Cable Termination

If the cable termination is incorrect, then it may lead to an unreliable connection. It usually happens when the installer does not know how to use the tools and techniques necessary for the installation process.


Network devices may not be able to communicate properly, leading to data loss, delays, and connectivity loss. These issues are not easy to diagnose as the symptoms are not easy to detect.


For the installation of the data cabling system, you must trust only a certified installer with years of experience in the industry. Professionals may use the right tools at the precise time to deliver the service that you desire. In the end, you may be able to get a stable connection.

Poor Cable Routing

Due to a disorganised cable routing, you may come across a messy network with tangled cables. It may not be easy to troubleshoot or upgrade the system on occasion at all.


Inefficient routing of the cabling network can cause physical damage as a result of unnecessary pulling. It may hinder the airflow, impacting the performance of the equipment to some extent.


Professionals must plan the cable route carefully. It is important to keep the cable organised to allow for a clear path. Cable trays, velcro straps, and conduits should be bundled up or separated from the cables, making the maintenance process easier.

Exceeding the Limit of Bend Radius

If the cables, especially fibre optics or high-speed Ethernet cables, are bent, it may lead to signal degradation. Due to this reason, it is possible to notice wire damage as well. It is mostly seen in the areas with limited space and in the sharp corner with the bent cable.


Wire damage can lead to poor network performance, complete signal failure, and higher latency. If the optic fibre is bent beyond recommendation, you may notice a loss of transmission.


The manufacturer’s guidelines have to be followed with a minimum radius bent. Cable support may be necessary to deal with the obstacles or tight corners on the way.

Signal Interference

Signal interference or crosstalk happens when a signal from one cable usually interferes with another one.


Network performance usually degrades as a result of crosstalk. Network speed may become slower, data errors may happen, and even disconnection may occur.


Data Cabling Services in Adelaide recommends using shielded cables to ensure separation between the data cables and power cables. It is better to install cable in the areas with minimal interference. Grounding techniques must be utilised whenever necessary.

Outdated or Legacy Cabling

Most businesses are still using outdated cables such as Cat5e. However, these cables may not be able to support the higher speed and bandwidth that are usually required for modern applications.


Outdated cables can reduce network performance, increase latency, and cause bottlenecks during data transfer.


Upgrading the cable to modern standards using the Cat6a or Cat7, you can ensure a faster network and broader bandwidth. Future technological needs can be handled with the help of these cables.

Whenever you come across data cabling issues, even if they are small problems, they may lead to serious issues, causing serious disruption to the network. It is possible to observe an impact on the overall operation. Professionals from Aussie Tech Solutions can offer a high-quality data cabling installation in Adelaide.